The Europonia Server Will Close April 30th, 2024; LoE Will Keep Going!
Apr 15

Hey again, everypony! We all hope you're doing well, and this year's treating you all kindly so far; as kindly as you have all treated us, for the past twelve years.

That's right, the Legends of Equestria project has been running for over twelve years now! (If you really want to dig into the ancient lore, there might be a couple of years before that too�) It's hard to believe that we've kept this dream going for so long. A lot of faces have come and gone in that time, and the game has been through transformations, continuous improvements, changes, and more than a few bugs across those years, but the one consistent point has been the love and support you've all provided us.

Whether you've been around since the forums kicked off, first played the game at an early convention, joined us on an Open Server Weekend, gave your precious feedback during our Limited Access Release, hopped on board at the start of the Open Access Release in 2017, arrived with the mobile versions of the game, wandered in at any point over the six-and-a-bit years, or just signed up yesterday, we want you to know that we appreciate every single one of you and the time you've given to our little horse world.

The Legends of Equestria team have always been steadfast that we wouldn't take any player money; LoE would always be free, and we'd support the cost of running the game through passive advertisements on our website and forum. This has worked excellently for twelve whole years, but recent days have seen that funding start to run dry. It's prompted some tough discussions within the team, and we've come to a difficult conclusion: in order to prolong the lifespan of the game as a whole, it's time to sunset the Europonia server. We love everyone who has chosen, or continues to choose, that region as their play location; unfortunately, though, the player count there simply isn't enough to justify the expense, and what it would mean for the longevity of the project as a whole. As such, the Europonia server will close in two weeks, on April 30th, 2024.
This doesn't mean that Equestria is disappearing; the Amareicas server will keep going, accessible to everyone, and all of the ponies on your account that you've played as on the Europonia server will be available on Amareicas too! Those of you who live farther from that server's location may find that the server has higher latency than you're used to, however, but we promise to do everything we can to try and smooth out such issues!

Now, this is obviously going to prompt some other questions about the game, so we want to assure you that we will keep Equestria alive for as long as we can; that's the exact reason why we're reducing our server count, in fact. The whole team is dedicated to the effort we, and all the team members who have moved on across the past twelve years, put into making this experience for you; we won't let all of that go to waste. Discussions are ongoing as to what the next steps are for Equestria, and for our development team; we'll share all of that information when the time is right.
I know this is sad news, but please don't feel too disheartened; we still have plenty in the works, and are excited to show you everything new that we're working on. There's plenty more in store from us lot, so we hope to see you in Equestria - and beyond - very soon!
