Hey there, everypony! It's that time again: time for another belated update to Legends of Equestria! And oh boy, this one's a doozy. In fact, it's the largest update we've ever released. It might have been a while since we released V2018.03.02, but we haven't been spending that time idly!
This update's packed with so much stuff that it barely fit onto a single changelog, but you can find the full list
here; if you just want to know about the big changes, though, here's a quick summary!
The first thing you'll notice is to do with how experience is dealt with in-game. In short, we identified an issue with our XP curve, and resolving that issue involved making a pretty big change to existing characters. You can find a full post we made detailing the effects of this change
over here!
On a brighter note, this update brings with it our crafting system. Now you can make your own unique armor, and upgrade it with special harmonies to make it even stronger, through artisanry; or, you could cook up a fantastic feast for everypony to enjoy! There's more possibilities than ever before.
To go along with this new system, we of course have two new Talents available for foals to choose: Artisanry, and Cooking. The quest to earn a Talent Mark in either of these can be started by speaking to your racial teacher, assuming you haven't already grown up to the adult stage!
That's not all, though! We've also implemented two more Talents, and these ones have been long-awaited: Combat and Flying are now available to all foal characters. Once again, you'll need to speak to your racial teacher to earn these Talents - and of course, Flying is available only to pegasi, much like how Magic is exclusive to unicorns!
A new exterior location has also been added to the Heartlands. Archaeologists have been excavating the ruins of Ancient Athamanes, a pony civilisation lost to time, and their digsite can be seen in the large (and formerly empty) crater towards the Eastern end of the area. This location will soon be excavated more thoroughly, granting access to a new dungeon area, with its own unique lore, quests, and traps to navigate!

Is all that not enough for you? Well, it's a good thing there's a new seasonal event happening, too! Ponydale is celebrating the Festival of Lights during these long summer(ish) days, and Taffy Treat in Sugarcane Corner wants to do it in style! She's already hung the lanterns and worked on the dance floor, but she wants something extra special to liven things up - and she needs your help to do it! Meanwhile, creatures all over Equestria have suddenly started collecting the mysterious Prismatic Crystal Shards, and everypony's favourite fashion designer, Ensemble, is eager to see you collect them all, to help him create something truly enlightening!

There's a whole host of other new features and changes, including the new auto-loot option, a background blur for dialogue focus, more bank locations, a new sleep emote, and so much more - including, of course, a raft of bug fixes. As mentioned earlier, the changelog has all the details, so check it out if you're interested in reading about everything we've been working on!
If you're using our Windows launcher, Legends of Equestria should update automatically when you next run the program. For everypony else, you'll need to download the newest client, available from
our downloads page! Remember to get the right version for your operating system!
We really hope that you enjoy everything we've poured into this update. As always, though, if you have any issues or bugs to report, please do so using the Phabricator system,
as explained here, to ensure that the right people on the team know about the issue and can get to work on fixing it.
Thanks for all your support, everypony! There's a lot more still to come, so we'll see you in Equestria!