June Artist Showcase
Jun 17
I know that Bloomberg has been covering these artist showcases up until now, but he is very busy working on other parts of Legends of Equestria. Since I love showing and teaching people new things, I was very excited to be given this opportunity, so I'll be bringing you the showcases from now on. So, Bloomberg, if you're reading this, thanks for all of your hard work up to this point!
This month's showcase will be showing off the brand new public Canterlot library, which has had many hours of work put into it by some of our talented artists. Let's start with when the library was only just an idea and a sketch.
This is the earliest sketch of the Public Canterlot Library. Since this building has never appeared in the show, our artists had to come up with something new and exciting. Concept artist Nick Hydock used towers, windows, and other building components seen all over Canterlot to design a building in Canterlot's style. He also drew some inspiration from his own hometown. Here is what he had to say:
"I come from an old town in Pennsylvania, and I liked basing some of my design for buildings off of the classic architecture around here a lot of the buildings have a more colonial style to them, which doesn't exactly fit in Canterlot. However, it does work for some things, such as government buildings or offices."
After the initial designs were completed, our wonderful people over at the 3D department took over. Below you can see the work done by 3D modeler Ryan Scanlon. After receiving the sketch, he was able to form the first 3D model of the library, with two ponies in the doorway for scale. Here are Ryan's thoughts on this building, which was his first with Legends of Equestria!
This one was actually pretty straight forward. It did come with that fun little book statue side project though and I really liked that, I prefer modeling props over buildings. This building doesn't have a lot of complex geometry, its basically a rectangle with things attached to it, which is frankly what most buildings in video games are. Things with more complex shapes are always more of a challenge to model and to layout the UVs [texture maps] for. Prop items for the most part have lots of smaller complex parts to them and thats what makes them more fun.
Once all the 3D modeling is complete, it's time for the 2D artists to come in and add texture and color. For this particular work, 2D co-lead Vector/AirBrush determined the colors and created the texture. He worked within Canterlot's overall color scheme to help the building fit the style of the city. The facades of most buildings in Canterlot tend to be in lighter shades, and to that the library is no exception. Vector/Airbrush has spent considerable time working on textures for Canterlot buildings. He describes Canterlot's distinct style as such:
All the buildings have off-white colored walls, and the roofs usually either have a swirl, stripe, or checkerboard pattern. I studied buildings that we have already seen in the show to decide some of the texture choices. Other patterns were drawn from the concept artist's original vision of the model's texture. Color choices were drawn from studying the color palette in various screenshots. Canterlot primarily uses blue, white, purple, and gold for most of its color.
After the artists have put it all together, we have a finished building. Below, you can see the Canterlot library in its completed state, which has now been placed inside the game! Check it out!
The Canterlot library is just one of the many places you'll be able to visit in Legends of Equestria when it gets released, but there are still going to be many fun and exciting adventures to go on both in and around the library. The beautiful artwork shown here is also going to be a large contribution to making an immersive and enjoyable experience for all of you. Don't forget to look for the Canterlot public library during next month's open weekend! I might even see you there myself. ;)
Until then, thank you all for coming, and I hope you'll come back to see next month's artist showcase as well!